Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 3: Adding Images

I guess this will become the regular time in which I post my designs even though I actually created the design last night at around midnight. Anyway... Today's design activity was the third iteration of Point, Line, and Plane, now with the addition of an image. Creating images with lines, shapes, and now images proved to be a much tougher task than I initially expected it to be. The placement of objects and the feel of the design was hard to create compared to the older tasks, but it came out as one of the most interesting composition yet.

fig 1.

Throughout this process, I tried to maintain movement and action, as well as create interesting shapes while still keeping the clutter to a minimum. Initially, some of my objects were off kilter, and it was very hard to catch a feeling from the image. One of my friends gave me the advice to tone down the dotted structure in the lower corner and to alter the positioning of the group of lines. I wanted to show multiple shapes in a space that held a continuous image in the background, as well create shapes in space. To the left of the center of the page, I tried to create the outline of a square, which creates the gap between the two lines.

Related work by Herbert Matter.

Herbert Matter - Photomontage (For Arts & Architecture), 1945


  1. I love the sky background going on. However, there are four different sections of the composition that have this sky background and it's hard to focus on a focal point. I think you could make the "invisible square" be the focal point and subtly incorporate the sky background in that area only. Or continue with that larger block that Tyler commented on which is already the most interesting part of your composition. Good job Zach. Keep up the good work.
